The 90 Day Program is a written step by step program to help you stay on track to lose weight. It is based on my own personal experience of losing 40 pounds and helping myself feel so much better. Gaining my energy back and my mobility. The program teaches you a whole new way of eating, shopping and putting yourself first. It comes with weekly calls to discuss your journey and you getting the most out of the program as you can. A very carefully designed road map to follow that will transform your life for ever. It puts you first front and center with yourself so you can get to the inner feelings that drive you to eat and sabotage yourself. Here you learn to love yourself more and deeper and work through your food focus. And bring your life to a new place where you can break free of the food habits and begin to live again. With guidance you become stronger to win at weight loss.
Make your dream come true by starting up a business
Started Dec 29, 2023
3,500 US dollars